2013: The Year of Connecting

Connecting and Building Community in 2013

The opposite of love is separation.  Do you see it all around you?  How can a young man feel so isolated that he shoots and kills his own mother, children, elementary school teachers and himself?  Opening to the deepest part of me, the spirit that runs through me, with me, and as me, there is unimaginable sorrow for those who do not know this wholeness.  I am also noticing the fierce attachment to being right and the suffering it causes.  It prevents us from seeing the common ground we are standing on.  Do you see it in the NHL lockout, fiscal cliff, killing our own citizens in parts of the world, the MN orchestra lockout, or a personal conflict?

2013 is the year of connecting. We are all invited to be part of the critical mass that shifts the paradigm from feeling disconnected to recognizing of our true nature, which includes pure love and interconnection.  Yes, we have our uniqueness, and that diversity is a gift.  What if all the cells in a human body were the same?  The whole could not exist!  It is our perspective, our capacity to know the paradoxical blending of individuality and universality where we experience universality without ‘losing’ ourselves in the vast Universal Self, that will make the shift.

This year my commitment is to actively create community, build capacity and increase space and time for connection to envision our new world.  What we feed grows.  What will you be nourishing in 2013?  Is it going to be fear and separation or is it expanding your awareness to participate in a wider view of that vast sea of consciousness that exists throughout the universe in every seen and unseen particle?  When you look into another’s eyes and heart, do you and see the same spirit that lives in you?  Do you remember you are a divine being having a human experience?

Opportunities for Connecting

Opportunities for Connecting

If you are seeking opportunities to nourish your desire to be more present, calm, intuitive, and connected, please join me at some or all of the following offerings throughout 2013:

Meditation By Candlelight, January 18th, 7-8:30 pm, Minnetonka MN 
Monthly gatherings the second Wednesday of the month from 6:30-8:30 pm, January 9th, February 13th, April 10th, May 8th, July 10th, August 14th in Minneapolis.

 Quarterly conferences:

Saturday, March 23, 2013 9:30-3:30, Transforming Together: Nurturing Our Higher Consciousness
Saturday, June 22, 2013, 9:30-3:30, Transforming Together: Expressing Our Higher Consciousness
Saturday, September 21, 2013, 9:30-3:30, Transforming Together: Integrating Our Higher Consciousness
All conferences will be held at the MN Arboretum in Chaska MN.
 A Spring Day of Renewal: Gathering for Inspiration, Learning,Reflection, Balance, Relaxation and Fun: Saturday April 27th, 10 a-4 pm.
Dayhaven, Annandale, MN
 Organizational Development Transformational Coaching Sessions
 Individual Transformational Coaching Sessions
You may also like my other post 3 Must Know Levels Of Consciousness to Build Your Your Relationships.

May 2013 be filled with blessings, joy and new discoveries for every human being.







