Individual Coaching
Michele offers both professional and individual coaching services. She has an office in Bloomington where she sees clients and is also available for phone appointments. The session consists primarily of discussion about your growth and development and can also include spiritual practice or energy work such as guided imagery, prayer, breathwork or meditation. What topics will we cover? You decide; our sessions are always client directed. Clients come to strengthen and develop their:
- Health: Well-Being and Dis-ease
- Relationships: Enhance and Recover
- Work: Meaning, Passion, Direction and Purpose
- Abundance: Attract and Create
Professional Coaching
Executive Coaching:
One on one sessions working directly with individuals to develop leadership skills
Single Project:
Meeting facilitation: Assists in moving through topics and producing action plans and resolution
Workshop: One or multiple day trainings
Workplace Enhancement Program:
- Assessment of Needs
- Creation and execution of development plan
- Application of Skills to YOUR workplace
- Evaluation of implementation