Are you feeling the interconnectedness?

What an opportunity! We are amidst a declared pandemic. The flow of information, fear and viruses are streaming through networks of interconnection. Humanity has an unprecedented opportunity to recognize WE are undeniably and unequivocally living and breathing in one unified interdependent {moving towards symbiotic} experience. In part, I wrote my book Living From the Center … Continue reading “Are you feeling the interconnectedness?”

The Whale – March 2020

I had the most extraordinary experience during my recent trip in February 2020. I was on the beach one afternoon immersed in my Qigong practice and I saw a humpback whale emerge nose up about 100 feet off the shore in front of me! She submerged and came up again moving parallel to the shore. … Continue reading “The Whale – March 2020”

Practicing Self-Love on Wakiki Beach – Wellness choices for 2020

Healthy Mind-Body-Heart-Spirit 2020 is underway and I am feeling the waves of creativity and connection daily. Some days it feels overwhelming, others ecstatic. There is new information streaming in throughout the days (and nights!) New possibilities are emerging in my awareness as well as my clients and students. It is stunning to see new perspectives … Continue reading “Practicing Self-Love on Wakiki Beach – Wellness choices for 2020”

High Vibe Mind-Body Wellness Support

My heartsong these days is supporting people and organizations making high vibe empowered choices creating a world that supports the greater good for all beings. I see this time of tremendous transformation as an opportunity to expand our individual and collective awareness and access higher levels of consciousness. With that intention, I have found what … Continue reading “High Vibe Mind-Body Wellness Support”

Creative Connections

Recently I have noticed an increase in new partnerships and new groups spontaneously forming around me in response to creative impulses. I follow a nudge to connect or someone contacts me “out of the blue.” I have an initial idea about the purpose of the connection and turns out to differently; more magical, expansive, and exhilarating than I … Continue reading “Creative Connections”

Enhancing Subtle “Ways of Knowing”

How do you connect (give and receive information) in the realms of intuition, innovation and inspiration? I have been playing lately with increasing my access on demand to subtler “ways of knowing.” Here is what I have found most effective. I would so enjoy hearing from you and what tips you have to offer. Find … Continue reading “Enhancing Subtle “Ways of Knowing””

2019: Anchoring New Energies on Earth

I see 2019 as a year of unprecedented high vibration, opportunities and support. We truly are vessels of light, love and service. How do you see yourself living optimally personally, interpersonally and professionally in 2019? These changes are impacting us in transforming ways- especially with letting go of old and needless stories/beliefs that are not … Continue reading “2019: Anchoring New Energies on Earth”

Multidimensional Mindfulness

I was recently asked, “Do you have a favorite meditation for accessing our higher selves and other light beings that can help us get clear on what is wanting to come in through each of us for next year?” What a great question! How do YOU access your inner wisdom, intuition, creativity, imagination and inspiration? … Continue reading “Multidimensional Mindfulness”

Living in Gratitude

Recently I have been invited to give two presentations. One on Gratitude and another on Mind-Body-Spirit Tools to Optimize Holistic Health Coaching (you can view on the link below). Through the lens of my pharmacist background, I am struck by the enormous benefits gratitude gives to our health and wellbeing. It is FREE and available … Continue reading “Living in Gratitude”

Up-Leveling: Deconstructing and Reconstructing

New beginnings require a letting go of the old and embracing the new. I have been observing MANY old patterns unraveling in the surges of the present energy. I see it all over the planet in current events, as well as in my own life and the lives of clients and students. The invitation is … Continue reading “Up-Leveling: Deconstructing and Reconstructing”