How did you spend the summer solstice last month? I was blessed to spend the day at Kinstone in Fountain City, WI with 100 mind-body-spirit women. There were various experiences, teachings and intention setting throughout the day in an event organized by New World Women. We began serenading the sunrise with violin and Ojibwe drumming … Continue reading “Walking the Labyrinth to Your Center Within”
Summer solstice is fast approaching, we in the northern hemisphere are experiencing more daylight. Do you also notice the light emanating from all living beings? Since I was a small child, I have seen and felt light pulsating in and as and through everything. Light shines from people, trees, animals, rocks, and water. Over years … Continue reading “You Are The Light”
In my part of the world, May is the month Mother Earth begins to sprout new life and we celebrate Mother’s Day. What are you birthing this month? Creating life is one expression of the feminine. What are other powerful characteristics, traits, and qualities of feminine energy? During April I spent time with various people … Continue reading “Rising Feminine Power”
For as long as I can remember, I have enjoyed learning, exploring, and experiencing new ideas, places, and perspectives. During this time of global distress as we witness suffering in Ukraine and across our world, I more deeply appreciate the tremendous privilege it is to have the space, time, and resources to continue my own … Continue reading “Living in Alignment”
Have you had the occurrence where you tap into a thought, feeling, or knowing at the same time as someone else? You think of each other throughout the day and one of you reaches out? Maybe share the same dream and connect to discuss it? It is magical and mystical when you have a revelation … Continue reading “One Mind”
My intuition is on the rise. For me, there has always been a flow of wisdom, inspiration, and creativity from multiple dimensions in this lifetime. If I have a problem or decision I am contemplating, I often get information through synchronicity, dreams, and coincidences. My coaching clients are also seeing an increase in reliable access … Continue reading “Intuition On The Rise”
Last month I attended the graduation of our health coaching students as faculty dressed in full regalia at Northrop auditorium on campus at University of Minnesota where I teach. From my seat on the stage, I was inspired by the music, rituals, traditions, and speeches by accomplished professionals and graduating students. This is one of … Continue reading “Who Am I Really?”
A few days ago, I had a dream where I was visited by beings from various years in what seemed to be the future. They came in response to a request I made for support during this time of transformation into the new era. Assistance came flowing to me as a ‘transmission of light & … Continue reading “Transmission of Light”
As I reflect today on the transformation that has occurred in my own life this past month and my intentions for November, the sun is illuminating the red and orange and yellow leaves in my backyard. Fall is a glorious time in Minnesota. It has been an incredibly tender month. I am in week 6 … Continue reading “Are You Claiming Your Brilliance?”
I have been contemplating an internal reset for a few months and now is the time for action. I turned 60 this year, and inflammation is causing a few ‘degenerative conditions’ (that is the official medical term) that are not feeling so good. In addition, there are openings in perspective and high frequency energetic experiences … Continue reading “October Reset: Aligning Within”