Interview With Canvas Rebel Magazine
Check out this article where I answer these questions & more!
- Can you open up about a risk you’ve taken – what it was like taking that risk, why you took the risk and how it turned out?
- How about pivoting – can you share the story of a time you’ve had to pivot?
- We often hear about learning lessons – but just as important is unlearning lessons. Have you ever had to unlearn a lesson?
Podcast Interview: Exploring Sovereignty with Elizabeth
Tune in to my latest podcast interview on Exploring Sovereignty and learn why courageous conversations matter in our new era of change and the mastermind course I’ve created to support people being in their authentic sovereign state.
Here’s a little bit on our conversation:
“Michele shines a light on, as do many people, ‘I am keenly aware of the propaganda being fed through various sources locally, nationally, and globally encouraging people to polarize, divide, and focus on what you are against or hate. Why are people buying into such a radicalized way of thinking and behaving? Having courageous risky conversations is part of embodying and integrating sovereignty into our daily lives.’”
Embracing the Empty Nest: Proven Strategies to Break Through Stress and Live an Extraordinary Life!
Metamorphosis Connections Thought Leader Thursday: Higher Octave Living
Health Coach Summit Global Conference Talk
Bold Brave TV Interview with Theresa Nutt of Your Deeper Calling
Jill Goux and Michele Rae: Sharing Multidimensional Human Experiences
Jill and Michele have an off the cuff candid conversation about the experience of being human while Jill is in Honolulu during her “Trip The Light Tour!” Do any of our topics resonate with you??
Michele Talks With Toni Lontis on The Author & The Artist Hour Program
Michele talks with Kelly and Brian from The Edge Magazine on The Being Curious Show
Michele talks with Laura Strong from The Metamorphosis Center about navigating through the New Era with ease, flow, and grace
Michele talks with Andrea Luzon of Living Limitless about playing your way to freedom
Click here to watch the interview.
Michele discusses expanding awareness and clarifying intention with Valeria Teles on A Quest For Well-Being
Click here to listen to the podcast episode.
Michele talks about her practice, interracial marriage, raising biracial children, parenting our youth, and living an empowered life on the Mixed Theory podcast with Amber Phoenix
Click here to listen to the podcast episode.
Michele discusses taking a holistic approach to women’s stress and anxiety with Marilena Grittani on The Legal Drug Dealer Podcast
Click here to listen to the podcast episode.
Michele talks with Stephanie Perry about stress management skills at the Compassionate Weight Stress Summit
Click here to download.
Michele presents “Empowered Mother – Daughter Relationships: How to connect, honor and uplift each other” at The Mother-Daughter Summit with Ana Paula Munoz

Michele joins an online fireside chat with Laura Strong about living interconnected in the new era
Michele Discusses Tools for Humanity – Coronavirus Crisis to Planetary Healing
Michele discusses several of the innovative programs she is offering to support and assist each of us as move into the new era. Listen to the latest updates from Michele and The Center Within in her radio interview with Candi Broeffle, Publisher of Natural Awakenings Twin Cities Edition on or download the podcast at Apple Podcast or Google Podcast.
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Michele Rae speaks out about finding yourself on Consciously Speaking with Michael Neeley.
This episode was sponsored by Natalie Hill and The Make Your Business Sacred Summit. Listen in as Successful Coaches, Therapists and Holistic Practitioners reveal the INNER Work That Makes Their BUSINESS Work. You’ll get to meet and learn from over 30 experts, including Michael Neeley, Morgana Rae, Marcus Bird and Andy Ramsey, as they divulge how they turned their “mess” into their message.
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Brian Elam of follow up interview with Michele Rae of Center Within. June 29, 2017
In this episode your host Brian Elam will be following up with Michele Rae of Center Within. Our conversation went so well a couple weeks ago we had to have her back on! Today we’ll cover: A brief reintroduction of our guest and what she does; Where her business is located; What are some things people can start doing right now to get healthier/live better; Some challenges facing the business.
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Brian Elam of talking with Michele Rae of Center Within in Bloomington, Minnesota. June 15, 2017
Topics covered include: Michele’s background and how she got her start as a coach; What is Holistic Coaching and how does it help?; Location of the business; What is offered in the mini session; The practitioners biggest challenge in business; What is one thing you can start doing today to increase your wellness?
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The Science of Magic with Gwilda Wiyaka – EP 185 – Guest: Michele Rae
Published on Apr 21, 2017
Michele Rae, R.Ph., MA is the founder of The Center Within, LLC and author of Living From the Center Within: Co-Creating Who You Are Becoming. She provides holistic coaching for personal, professional and organizational transformation. While coaching with Michele, clients become more confident and engaged as they enhance their gifts, talents, wisdom and passions. They also gain clarity and power as they expose and unblock limiting beliefs, stuck patterns and fears. During individual sessions and organizational development, Michele utilizes her abilities in deep listening, intuition, appreciative inquiry, spiritual practices, mind-body skills, presence and emotional intelligence. Working with Michele, clients create self-directed strategies to implement the changes they desire to create a life they love.
Edge Talk Radio Interview
Cathryn Taylor’s guest today is author and Coach, Michelle Rae – founder of the Center Within and author of Living From the Center Within-Co-Creating Who You Are Becoming… a book that is a call to action to awaken to your true self. A book that offers the answer to the question we all ponder- how can I live consciously and authentically? Michele shares 30 years worth of time tested practices designed to build community and new systems that have positive collective impact culturally, politically and economically and offers you a roadmap and powerful tools to enhance mindful living, wellbeing, healing and self-awareness. Michelle also provides holistic coaching designed to accelerate and support personal, professional and organizational transformation. Gain clarity and power; identify and unblock limiting beliefs, stuck patterns and fears as you create self-directed strategies to implement the changes you desire to create a life you can love.
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Living from Your Center Within: An Interview with Transformational Leader Michele Rae by Tim Miejan on April 1, 2017
Self Love Summit Interview with Theresa Nutt
Terese Guettler on Edge Wise Woman Wellness
In this show, Terese will be interviewing Michele Rae – a transformational coach, college professor, writer and founder of The Center Within, LLC. She has a passion for working with clients and students creating a personal, interpersonal and professional life they love. Michele has an MA in human development and teaches at the University of Minnesota in the Center for Spirituality and Healing. She sees private clients in her office in Bloomington MN and offers sessions via phone and Skype across the United States.
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