How many transitions are you noticing in your inner and outer world? There has been an onslaught of them in mine recently. In my friends’ circle, there were 9 deaths in 3 weeks in October.  My inner experience has been intense. Feeling grief and sadness alongside relief for the peace they are in and grateful for my connection to them in this lifetime.

In this country, we are approaching election day and a transition in Presidents (Please VOTE!). Inside it feels like a collective inhale and holding our breath. The Middle East, Sudan, Ukraine, the Democratic Republic of Congo, and more countries are in transition. The countryside in North Carolina and the coast of Florida are all in transition. I feel the collective grief, devastation, and suffering in my body. It’s a lot.

Simultaneously, in the Midwest where I live the fall colors have burst on the trees and the sunlight is stunning as we transition into fall and prepare for winter. I am downsizing again, transitioning all my treasures (including my Fontanini Nativity scene I collected over 4 decades) from my storage locker to new homes. Beauty and clearing add spaciousness and joy inside.

Many transitions are happening simultaneously. When I take a step back and find a resting place in my body/mind/heart, I realize this is true in every moment. During this time, my inner experience of so many transitions feels intense.

For years I have held an intention to navigate difficult passages with ‘EFG’, ease, flow, and grace. 

I notice when I feel tightness, confusion, disempowered, or lost. I utilize a transformative practice to bring my attention to the present moment and invite ease flow and grace (my definition of grace is Love in Action) into my body, heart, and mind. I imagine that vibration extending out into my life and the circumstances that disrupt my Center Within. As my body relaxes and my trust in the process returns, I often notice ‘miraculous’ occurrences to support full resolution and acceptance. 

  • What tools and strategies are supporting you in staying centered during times of rapid change?
  • Where do you feel empowered or resistant? 
  • What is your optimal vision for the transitions in your life?

In my inner experience, there are new levels of understanding emerging.  There are transitions into more spaciousness and peace as I release what no longer serves and say YES to what makes my heart sing. Another level of my capacity to be in the present moment is opening and feels more sacred and awestruck than ever.

Professionally I am transitioning into a new adjunct remote teaching position at the University of California, Irvine. Many of my coaching clients are also amidst transitions. Divorcing, changing jobs, moving homes, getting married. More are reporting an increase in premonitions, intuition, and synchronicities. One of my new MS Society clients is moving from the East Coast to the West Coast and changing jobs. She has a PhD in education and introduced me to transitional intelligence. Here are some qualities to cultivate transitional intelligence during times of shifts in your inner and outer world from Randy Herbertson.

When we do well in times of change, we often have traits like the following:

Adaptability. We can quickly adjust to situations, embrace change, and adapt our strategies to fit the evolving circumstances.

Resilience. We can recover from setbacks, maintain a positive attitude, and persist in facing difficulties.

Flexibility: We can think creatively, consider viewpoints, and come up with innovative solutions to problems.

Emotional Intelligence: We possess a level of self-awareness, self-control, drive, empathy, and social skills that help us navigate complex social scenarios effectively.

Learning agility: We can swiftly grasp new knowledge and skills, apply them effectively, and adjust our learning approaches in various situations.

Openness to experiences: We are curious, imaginative individuals who are open to exploring new ideas and methods.

Risk tolerance: We are comfortable with uncertainty and ambiguity. We are willing to take calculated risks when needed.

Effective decision-making: We can analyze information efficiently, evaluate choices carefully, and make well-thought-out decisions even under pressure.

Blessings to you as you navigate the transitions in your world. Know that I am here to support you if you want to explore transformational coaching. 

About Michele Rae, Founder of The Center Within

We are living amidst a transformative period in human development, experiencing dramatic paradigm shifts and leaps in human consciousness itself. I invite you to participate with intention and awareness in creating who we are becoming personally, professionally, and globally during this shift by Living from Your Center Within

–Michele Rae

Michele Rae, RPh, MA, NBC-HWC is the founder of The Center Within, LLC, and author of Living From the Center Within: Co-Creating Who You Are Becoming. She provides holistic coaching designed to accelerate and support personal, professional, and organizational transformation. While working with Michele, clients become more confident and engaged as they enhance their gifts, talents, wisdom, and passions. They also gain clarity and power as they expose and unblock limiting beliefs, stuck patterns, and fears. During individual sessions and organizational development, Michele utilizes her abilities in deep listening, intuition, appreciative inquiry, spiritual practices, mindfulness, presence, and emotional intelligence. Coaching with Michele, clients create self-directed strategies to implement the changes they desire to create a life they love.

Set up a complimentary consultation with me here.

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