My heartsong these days is supporting people and organizations making high vibe empowered choices creating a world that supports the greater good for all beings. I see this time of tremendous transformation as an opportunity to expand our individual and collective awareness and access higher levels of consciousness. With that intention, I have found what I am saying “YES” to has at times been outside of my comfort zone. I am saying “YES” to new opportunities for expanding teaching, healing and leading. I have noticed my body has been lagging a bit, needing more assistance. I have said “YES” to support my body by utilizing a new HIGH VIBE nutritional and mineral line of products that enhance my energy. The research shows it supports my/our optimal cell health. I am feeling better than I have in years!
Would you like to learn more? Check my upcoming events for opportunities to learn more at scheduled workshops!

I thought about you because I want you to be part of the high vibrational team we are creating. We are all supporting each other and this is easy and fun. Our combined energies will attract abundance and allow us to live our passion. The company name is called Club Sparkle. Here’s the link to learn more: https://clubsparkle.com/product-category/wellness/?lang=en
This US company has a holistic product line (which includes several high vibrational nutritional and mineral products as well as a skin care line) which are incredible and previously just been available only in Japan. It’s just now being brought to the U.S. I found out about this from a small group of dear mind-body-spirit friends who are profoundly intuitive. They heard about this initially from Gary Spivey –who is well-known intuitive. There are many more energy sensitive friends who can “feel” the product re-calibrating at a cellular level (OK, I too can feel the change!)
Bill Torvund, a well-known healer/teacher in the Cities tried these products a few weeks ago and is still raving about them. For those of you who don’t know Bill, he can see inside the body, his sessions fill up 3 months in advance with a wait-list and he has a rare perception that is beyond what most humans can begin to understand. Bill has seen all kinds of supplements over the past 45 years with healing work. He rarely endorses a product and never gets too excited about anything. Well, he’s endorsing these products and after my session with him last week, he said, “We need to get these products out to everyone on the planet!”
The messages that were flowing into me were about how these products are designed to support our energetic shift to a more crystalline physical structure. How this would help us receive and hold the new vibrations (amplifications) that have been coming and will continue to move us into a new consciousness. As I was hearing about the products, I was envisioning them being ingested into the body, and immediately working in our cells and DNA to reconfigure to this new alignment. And no matter how hard I tried to just let it go… these thoughts just kept coming. I initially was resistant. I don’t buy into “these sort of thing!”
Everything clicked into place the moment I tried the products and heard about the business. I tired the Ion5 Mineral drops – and I felt something right away in my body. It was like an effervescent feeling, gently moving through me after I tried them, and it felt like I was enlivened by the minerals. I knew then that this was truly something different. The structure of this business is designed to show us how-to live-in abundance, ease and flow. All that is required for this business to work is for each person to be in the energetic vibration of YES. There is money, ease, partnership and collaborative team experiences. The messages kept saying… “Yes, Michele– it really can be this easy.”
All I can say is that with this many intuitive people all receiving the same messages, the same energetic response to the product, and feeling a strong affinity to the business opportunity – it all feels very divinely guided/created! We have been talking and we are all coming to the same conclusion that this is going to be a PHENOMENAL OPPORTUNITY to experience alignment to Divine Abundance in our present experience. Everyone who’s seen the presentation here so far, has been really impressed, and 95% have joined – this is ground level (and ground breaking).
I feel this opportunity is going to support our physical, emotional and mental well-being as we experience continued energetic activations. The business structure is designed in such a way that it is like ‘training wheels’ for learning to live in the new paradigm (expanding into 5th dimensional experience, living in I=Interconnected). For me, I want to find ways to help people find alignment to their Inner Essence, which will raise the whole of human consciousness. Health, wellbeing at all levels allow for us to remain in a state of aware alignment with Spirit. And all I can say is WOW! I feel so blessed to know about this and to share it with you!
Club Sparkle has 3 main nutritional products and a small mineral-based skin care line that are truly changing people’s lives.
Nectura: a high-level antioxidant nutritional drink that has an Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity (ORAC) of over 144,000 which is a substance ability to clear out free radicals. This ranking is the highest in the industry and is 2-3 times higher than anything on the market. It also contains the proven cancer fighting agent, Germanium GE132.
EverYoung: a powder you mix with water for energy, metabolism, skin, hair, nails. This product works with your mitochondria and it’s the one that increase my metabolism and allowed me to lose the extra weight.
Ion5: a liquid mineral and trace mineral drops from the 5th Great Salt Lake Basin. Minerals and trace minerals are essential for assisting our body in absorbing nutrients and keeping our personal electrical system flowing (they are missing from our food because of depleted water and soil conditions). Ion5 is isotonic and 98% absorbable so it gets right into the cells which helps keep the body functioning optimally.
In my opinion, these products are well beyond anything currently available in the U.S. …and because they were developed for the Japanese market the quality standards are even higher than here. Much research has gone into their development and there are studies to prove their effectiveness with tons of testimonials. As a pharmacist that’s important to me, but more importantly, I love how they blend science and spirituality. Tony, one of the owners of the Club Sparkle, once had an intention: “To create a global wellness company built on the spiritual empowerment of light.” And he has done just that. These products also help connect the energy centers & meridians in our bodies which allows our cells to talk to each other better and to function optimally and at a higher frequency. As we take these products, we integrate these higher vibrations which literally are helping our bodies to shift with the new Earth. AMAZING!
I am in alignment with the philosophy and structure behind Club Sparkle – “A Life With No Limits” is their motto. I invite you to ‘tune in’ and see if you feel the vibe.
There’s a 5D business opportunity around this that is amazing too, but you can also just get the products. If you’re interested in the business side or even want to get your products cheaper by becoming a member, you can get in on the ground floor during the pre-launch phase. This can become as big as you want it to become. The vibration around this is super high and the potential vast. And this isn’t about selling anything. It’s truly about creating oneness around an incredible product line that’s backed by nearly two decades of research. And the products are going to help so many people feel better and live healthier lives.
I’d truly love for you to be part of the high vibrational team we are creating with this too. We are all supporting each other and having fun. Our combined energies are attracting abundance, which will allow us to live our soul’s purpose with ease, passion, fun and joy.
Check out Club Sparkle’s website here: https://clubsparkle.com/product-category/wellness/?lang=en
Let me know if you have questions. I hope you will come on Saturday to find out more. Surrounding you with love and light!
Michele Rae Michele@CenterWithin.com
P.S. If you have already heard about this from another friend – that is great! We are all working on this together. If you have any questions or want more info about my personal thoughts, I am glad to help. We are all working as a team – there is no competition – just wanting you to get a chance to try this out!