My Awareness of Changes and Why It Matters

November Winds of Changes

What are the new energies coming in feeling like to you?  How are they presenting in your life?

For me, they feel like they are drawing me towards more authenticity, vulnerability, honesty, wholeness and inclusivity.  I have been presented with numerous opportunities with these changes to know my truth more fully and deeply…that kind of truth you feel in your gut, get intuitive messages about, notice signs and symbols in the world around you, and see patterns and connections you did not notice before.  I am being called to speak that truth with confidence into my life…in my inner truth telling to myself, in my relationships, with my condo associates, with my work partners, with my clients, family, and friends old and new.

What Do the Changes Bring?

The discomfort caused by showing up “partially” is just is not cutting it anymore.  And this truth feels kind, in right alignment with what is, and humble.  Anxiety seems almost silly, how can I convince myself that the past and future worries are real in this moment?  They are not.  I cannot fool myself into not showing up based on old conditioned reactivity that is no longer taking me over. And those beliefs that I have hauled around with me for so many years that are not now and never were true?  The charge they have held in me is dissipating into what is actually occurring so those worn out beliefs now feel primarily neutral…Equanimity is prevailing. There are holes in my core and unconscious…stories of lack, scarcity, and unworthiness…that are up for healing, big time!

There is a sloughing off, a dying of that which is not nourished by the truth of what is.  And all that energy no longer tied up on keeping alive the old unproductive stories, thoughts and emotions are growing what is true, the divine essence life force flowing through and as to me.  The new opportunities that are coming into my life have a higher vibration, quality and feel than ever before.  There are new business partners, new work opportunities, new relationships.  There are inner insights, revelations, and understandings of how to co-create in the world that astonish me.

How Can I Help?

Michele Rae, The Center WithinSo the integration continues every day, and I am grateful for my practices of mindfulness, movement, quiet, connection, nutrition, nature, journaling, and art.  Some days are easier than others, but the years of practice have taught me to trust the process and embrace the mystery unfolding in my awareness in every moment.

If you are looking for a companion or companions along the way, come for a visit.  I am available for individual coaching sessions.


Monthly Connection and Attunement Gathering: Second Wednesday of the month from 6:30-8:30 pm November 13th and December 11th

You are invited to join our monthly gatherings designed to cultivate intention, support and encouragement for each other on our way to sustaining wholeness and holiness in our lives.  When we gather, we increase the vibration in our field through conversation, teaching and transformative practices which open our awareness to higher levels of consciousness.

Michele Rae will facilitate our evenings with teachings on observations of current energetic shifts, changes, paradigms, understandings and structures in our personal, interpersonal and professional lives.  Participants are invited to share their wisdom and insight on higher consciousness manifesting in their lives through conversation.  We will participate in a group mindfulness, energy, meditation, expressive or movement practices during each gathering also.


Colonial Warehouse Building Meeting Room 4th floor: Hippocrates Center for Holistic Healing:   212 Third Avenue North, Across from Suite 425, Minneapolis MN, 55401

Parking in the back lot is free after 4 pm, doors to building lock at 6:30 so come early!  After 6:30, call Michele’s cell phone for entrance.

Cost: $25/session:  RSVP preferred but not required

For more information and registration contact Michele at or 612-310-8876.

Would you like to read my other post about Great Fullness: Abundant Possibilities

You can also check our my Services page.








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