3 Must Know Levels of Higher Consciousness to Build Your Relationships

Bringing Higher Consciousness to Relationships

Have you noticed over your lifetime as you become more awake, self-aware, and healthy in mind-body-emotions your relationships change?   As we heal our holes, become more whole and realize our Holiness, relationships with people not interested in growing and developing towards higher consciousness can become superficial, unsatisfying and sometimes even depleting.  Simultaneously, we attract new people into personal and professional relationships who live powerfully from their Center Within; their gifts, talents, passions and strengths.

Levels of Consciousness

3 Must Know Levels Of Consciousness to Build Your Relationships

So what are levels of consciousness and how does our capacity affect our relationships?  Here is a model for levels of consciousness we can utilize to assist in our exploration of this topic.

I am individual. This is the first stage of human development or lower consciousness.  Here one’s self-identification is limited to one’s own body; everyone and everything else is not self. Our goal is to heal wounds and move towards embodiment of lower consciousness.  This yields a productive and contributing citizen, meaningful relationships, and feelings of purpose, self-confidence, and self-worth.

I am Interconnected. This is the second stage of human development or middle consciousness. Here one’s perspective shifts to realize self as an individual who is interconnected and affected by what is occurring outside of one’s personal body.  At this level, one increases awareness of inspirations, revelations, intuition, synchronicity, innovation and creativity while seeing oneself as part of the web of consciousness rather than separate from it.

I am Infinite.  This is the third stage of human development or higher consciousness. Here, self and other disappear into one, and pure awareness is all that exists.  One’s primary identity at this level of consciousness is unity, that which remains unchanging, or the ground of being from which all springs forth.

How the Higher Consciousness Can Influence Your Relations

3 Must Know Levels Of Consciousness to Build Your Your Relationships


Living identified as I am Individual, we often blame our suffering on someone else, projecting our unmet needs onto the other.  We also can look for our happiness externally.  Both can leave us feeling like a victim.  We can find our self-judging others and our self or participating in distractions like gossip, trauma or drama.  As we actively engage in our own awakening and transformation, our level of consciousness shifts higher.

When we cultivate free attention and our awareness expands, we notice we are part of a vibrant web of interconnected beings.  Often our activities, ideas, beliefs and interests change dramatically.  We can find it boring or even exhausting to keep up relationships with others still primarily identified in lower consciousness.  We gain capacity in many areas including emotional intelligence, deep listening, and the ability to decide our response rather than react from conditioned habit.  We notice what and who expands us and contracts us and choose expansion.  We recognize each person is spirit having a human life.

If only one person in a relationship moves towards wholeness, it often causes incoherence and heartache. There is sometimes sadness and grief as we outgrow long time relationships. Some established relationships do transform and become more vulnerable, real and intimate.  New relationships are sought, found, and cultivated; deepening our understanding of our ever expanding world views.  As we begin to know and own our inner essence as self, miracles arise and we co-create who we are becoming.  Relationships become mutually beneficial as we call each other forward to live as the expression of our unified divine nature in the world.

Come and explore this topic further with like-minded seekers and seers Saturday, June 22, 2013, 9:30-3:30 during our conference Transforming Together: Expressing Our Higher Consciousness at the Arboretum in Chaska MN.  Barbara Stahl will be discussing Bringing Higher Consciousness to Work, Tim Culbert will be discussing Bringing Higher Consciousness to Children and our Families and I will be presenting on Bringing Higher Consciousness to our Relationships.  The day will also include experiential exercises, small group discussion, and outdoor meditation.  To learn more or register, go to our website.

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