About Transformative Care for Preventing Chronic Pain and Addiction
Chronic pain is the top reason to seek care, the #1 cause of addiction and disability, and the primary driver of healthcare utilization, costing more than cancer, heart disease, and diabetes. The Institute of Medicine (IOM) (2011) states that health professionals’ primary role for pain conditions should be guiding, coaching, and assisting patients with day-to-day self-management to reduce the risk factors that drive failed treatment, delayed recovery and chronic pain. Thus, transformative care includes both self-management training with treatment to improve patient engagement, long-term outcomes, and reduce healthcare costs. The development of the Personalized Activated Care and Training (PACT) program provides a digital patient engagement platform to support transformative care with telehealth coaching to team with health professionals in supporting patients in self-management. This clinical course for health coaches will help them collaborate with health professionals and implement and set up reimbursement for transformative care using the PACT program to prevent chronic pain and addiction in their patients with pain.
Integrating Health and Wellness Coaching into the Health Professional team
Integrative Health and Well-being coaching is an emerging health profession that partners with patients to achieve their overall goals. It is practiced from a holistic perspective that views each person as intrinsically whole and the ultimate expert in his or her healing journey. The National Board for Health and Wellness Coaching https://nbhwc.org/ is a pioneer in the field of health coaching, working to advance education, research and care model innovation. Telehealth Coaching is an integral part of the Personalized Activated Care and Training program (PACT) and allows it to be integrated with the healthcare team to help extend care into the patient’s life and improve outcomes. Systematic reviews of social support and health coaching show they improve functional recovery from chronic pain.