What is Your Word for 2025?

My word for 2025 is reset. I am examining my habits, choices, and behaviors to see which ones need to be realigned, reorganized, released, and reprioritized. A few are increasing in importance, and a few require me to engage less often. My physical environment is undergoing a serious decluttering and simplifying process.  Do you have […]

Living as a Modern Mystic in Challenging Times

When we live a life as I am Interconnected we are mystics seeing the unifying vision of the One in the All and the All in the One. Modern mystics come from various backgrounds and generally have experienced spiritual awakenings. They seek to expand beyond ego, connect with the divine, and integrate love and presence […]

Living from Your Inner Authority: Embracing Your Empowered Voice Within

Living from your Inner Authority is about fully embracing the wisdom of your Empowered Voice Within—the inner guidance that directs your decisions, actions, relationships, and sense of purpose. This connection to your authentic self allows you to navigate life with unwavering clarity, confidence, and self-trust. Instead of relying on external validation or direction, living from […]

It’s Intense: Breaking Down and Breaking Through

How are you doing? Feeling? Coping? In my coaching sessions, many of my clients are relaying their emerging breakthrough insights and experiences as barriers breakdown in their inner and outer lives. It’s messy, confusing, uncomfortable, and exhausting. Simultaneously, it is enlivening, uplifting, hopeful, and liberating. The intensity of the tension is real. I have been […]

Transitions Abound

How many transitions are you noticing in your inner and outer world? There has been an onslaught of them in mine recently. In my friends’ circle, there were 9 deaths in 3 weeks in October.  My inner experience has been intense. Feeling grief and sadness alongside relief for the peace they are in and grateful […]

Turning It Around: Celebrating Each Other’s Genius

The New Era of Higher Consciousness has arrived! Are you feeling it? What are you noticing as the Old Era ideas, beliefs, and paradigms infused with oppression, entitlement, and greed are being exposed yet not going down without a fight? The transition is a messy process.  We ARE turning it around. My book Living From […]

Your Gift To The World

For many of us, December brings opportunities to give and receive the gifts of time, treasures, treats, and talents. How would you describe your unique gifts? During this time of gift-giving and connecting with friends and family, I invite you to reflect on what a GIFT YOU ARE! We each have a unique divine blueprint, […]

Who Am I Really?

Last month I attended the graduation of our health coaching students as faculty dressed in full regalia at Northrop auditorium on campus at University of Minnesota where I teach. From my seat on the stage, I was inspired by the music, rituals, traditions, and speeches by accomplished professionals and graduating students. This is one of […]

Transmission of Light

A few days ago, I had a dream where I was visited by beings from various years in what seemed to be the future. They came in response to a request I made for support during this time of transformation into the new era. Assistance came flowing to me as a ‘transmission of light & […]

2019: Anchoring New Energies on Earth

I see 2019 as a year of unprecedented high vibration, opportunities and support. We truly are vessels of light, love and service. How do you see yourself living optimally personally, interpersonally and professionally in 2019? These changes are impacting us in transforming ways- especially with letting go of old and needless stories/beliefs that are not […]