Your Ultimate Guide to Cultivating Intuition

My Personal Story About Inviting Intuition (Like You Have Never Heard Before)

Intuition, researchers have found, flourishes in a person who is open, receptive and nonjudgmental. It is a capacity we all possess. Recently I asked participants in a class I was teaching about their experience with intuition and nearly everyone had a story to share. In my experience, we can access intuitive information in various ways. Two include asking a specific question and inviting it to spontaneously flow into our awareness.

Here is a story of my experience of the former.

Inviting your intuition to spontaneously flow into our awareness

It was a typical Saturday in March. After the full work week, chores and errands were the agenda of the day. I wondered from doing dishes to sorting the mail that had accumulated throughout the week, to a few loads of laundry. I had done a few errands in the morning and mid-day was heading out again, which prompted a ritual of brushing my teeth and putting on my ring. I could not find my ring. My memory kicked in. I remembered wearing it out for my morning errands, I would have taken it off when doing dishes after I returned. My usual habit of pants pockets for temporary keeping was unavailable in my yoga pants and it was not on my nightstand, my other location for safe keeping. Hmmmm… I would look later.

When I returned, I looked again, carefully retracing my steps. The kitchen, the desk, the laundry room. My stress response was starting; I could feel myself becoming anxious; my heart beat increasing, that slight sweating on the palm of my hands, the clouding of my thoughts. I asked the other members of the household who were around, had they seen my ring? Possibly in the kitchen where I would have probably taken it off to do the dishes? No assistance.

All of my thinking and movement and asking did not produce a ring. What I knew for certain is it was somewhere in the house. It was time to tap into another way of knowing, my intuition, and intentionally activate my right brain.

I sat down, shut my eyes and got very quiet in my mind and body and took a few deep breaths centering all of my attention in this present moment. Out of the stillness, an image emerged. It was completely black. As I continued to breathe, I could shift my perspective in this darkness and expand my view. As I did, a bit of light came into my vision and I saw a pile of something. Still uncertain of the images I was seeing in my mind’s eye, I relaxed further and the screen expanded. It was the garbage can in the kitchen. I got up, dug through the layers of mail I had tossed earlier and found my ring at the bottom.

With this new information, I retraced the steps of my day again and re-engaged my logical left brain ways of knowing. The pocket in my pants was unavailable, but I was wearing a jean shirt with a pocket in the top left corner where I placed my ring before starting the dishes. While sorting the mail (what can we do about the massive junk mail we get?? I do recycle most of it!) I had tossed it off the desk onto the hallway floor into a big pile, then scooped it up and put it in the garbage. The ring must have fallen out of my shirt pocket into the pile and landed in the garbage. I was filled with gratitude for asking for help, the assistance I received and the practical application of intuition. With just my five senses, I would not have found that ring.

Continue to Cultivate Your Intuition

Since that experience, initiated by utter despair and surrender, I continue to cultivate my intuition. Pictures in my mind’s eye, sounds, words, physical sensations in my body, thoughts, feelings, and even a sense of smell and taste may come as I turn my attention to my intuitive way of knowing. It has become more accessible and continues to be very practical in my work with clients and daily living.

I smile as I recall my daughter calling from college to ask for assistance finding her access card which she needs for her meal plan and getting in and out of buildings. I suggest looking in a book, it seems she may have been using it for a bookmark and it slipped down between the pages. She wandered around her apartment, telling me about her English class lecture and the outing the night before with her friends. I can hear the book pages fanning in the background, and eventually, the access card drops out of one. She says thanks, mom and continues sharing her story. I am grateful my children know intuition as an ordinary and reliable way of knowing.

You may also like my other blog post What is Transformation?

Michele Rae, The Center WithinFor more amazing tips and stories, please, follow me on the social media. I would like to hear from you!








