Wednesday April.25.2018 Monthly Gathering
Location: Southtown Office Park Conference Room 135. 8120 S. Penn Ave., Bloomington MN 55431.

Southtown Office Park Conference Room 135.  8120 S. Penn Ave., Bloomington MN 55431.
6:30 – 8:30 pm

With Special Sound Healing Guest: Leslee Nelson

You are invited to join our monthly gatherings designed to cultivate intention, support and encouragement for each other on our way to sustaining wholeness and holiness in our lives. When we gather, we increase the vibration in our field through conversation, teaching and transformative practices which opens our awareness to higher levels of consciousness. Michele Rae will facilitate our evenings with teachings on observations of current energetic shifts, paradigms, understandings and structures in our personal, interpersonal and professional lives. Participants are invited to share their wisdom and insight on higher consciousness manifesting in their lives through conversation.

This month, our meditation will include sound healing  provided by Leslee Nelson.

Leslee is known globally for her evolutionary Templates of Light, Love, and Language™, a holographic symbol language. During our meditation this evening, she will offer this healing sound through a sound transmission form defined as light language. This sound healing bypasses the mental mind, and can assist us in releasing energetic blockages and open us to accessing our innate wisdom. Leslee works with multi-dimensional patterns of light to shift energies back into harmony with our being, allowing us to bring forth new technologies, new forms of healing and abilities dormant in our DNA.

In her private practice, Leslee creates templates in drawing form defined as conscious art as well. Combined these energies resonate on a soul level with one’s original blueprint and sends information directly to one’s higher self to connect one with their true self.

You can learn more about Leslee here:


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